Best Way to Start Your Neovim journey


1 min read

Best Way to Start Your Neovim journey

I will discuss about minimalistic and under 400 lines Lua configuration for neovim in this article.

Installing NeoVim

For Mac Users

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Install Homebrew

  3. Write this command brew install neovim and then press Return. Boom.

That is How you can install neovim on your mac. I don't have Linux so I don't know the process. You can just go here. and follow the process to install neovim in Linux.

Configuring NeoVim

  1. Go to

  2. Go to init.lua file

  3. Copy all the text to the clipboard.

  4. Create a new directory named nvim into the .config folder.

  5. Create init.lua named file and paste all the text into it.

  6. Open init.lua file with nvim init.lua command. It will install packer if not already installed and it will also install other plugins.

  7. In the end, your neovim editor will look like this.

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